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Memcom+ Trouble Shooting

  • What should I do if the Memcom is not dialing out?

    There could be a few reasons for this situation but the most common cause is that the telephone line is not active. Connect the telephone handset and make a call to check activity of the phone line and then check the telephone connection  to the Memcom Autodialler (1&2 on the Memcom terminals).

  • The Memcom keeps dialing out when the alarm button is wired to terminals 9 and 15 on the Memcom. What should I do?

    This can be caused by the alarm button being a Normally Closed contact, this can be changed in the settings (Settings> System Config, select N/C) (default is Normally open). Hotline can also cause this, refer to note on ‘Hotline‘.

  • Why is the alarm button not working?

    Alarm push button is wired through door alarm filtering and to activate would require lift doors to be closed or lift in a fault condition

    Alarm push button is wired through door alarm filtering and to activate would require lift doors to be closed or lift in a fault condition

    Alarm button not pressed long enough Check Delays > In Car Delay to see what delay has been set and adjust accordingly, but do not set as 0. (Default 3 seconds)

    Incorrectly wired, recheck wiring connections from the Alarm button from the lift car to 9 & 15 on the Memcom terminals (9&15 is a voltage free contact)

  • How can I check if the Memcom auto dialer alarm contacts are working?

    A shorting wire can be placed directly across Memcom empty terminals 9 & 15 (Alarm button contacts) , after 4/5 seconds Memcom will dial out if this does not happen then most likely Memcom could be faulty; contact Avire tech for further support.

  • I have a Memcom+ connected to an Avire DCP with a non Avire SIM, do I need to change any settings?

    Tech alarm and Background numbers should be programmed to the Avire HUB number (outside UK will require area country code)

    The correct protocol should be used **1 (Memco/Memtel) or **3 (P100)

    Check that the Avire DCP parameter, P020, is set to ‘00’. This can be checked and programmed in the Avire Hub or by sending an SMS to the Avire DCP to change this parameter, by sending the following code (you will need to know the telephone number of the sim installed in the DCP):

    Pin1234, space P020, space 00

  • How can I cancel the call when it is dialing out?

    Press and hold the # key, display will show unit resetting and call will end.

  • PSTN phone line fault detection has been configured through the Memcom using the voltage free relay, (terminal 5&6) how does the relay terminal behave in this mode?

    The relay will be closed until line fault occurs and then the relay will switch to open for failsafe operation.

  • GSM 452 000 is now being replaced with a landline, do we need to change any settings on the Memcom and if so what are they and how is it done?

    Yes the Memcom will need to be reconfigured to remove the GSM 452 000 option and back to the default settings, once this is done you may still see gsm fault shown on the Memcom but this will be change when next internal self-test is initiated by the unit.

    New Method:

    Press 1 > Settings/accessory > Memco GSM press # to Untick then keep pressing star until exit programming

    Previous programming method (this will work on all Memcom devices)

    *1234# (access code)

    Use the UP arrow and proceed to number *26 (H/W opt)

    Type 12 followed by # (this will overwrite number)

    Use the UP Arrow to *27 (H/W Mon)

    Type 39 followed by #

    Press # then *01# (exit programming)

  • Memcom COP accessory is now being replaced to a different version, do we need to change any settings on the Memcom?

    No change of settings is required.

  • Memcom COP accessory is being remove and only the Memcom will be used, do we need to change any settings on the Memcom?

    Yes, the Memcom needs to be reconfigured back to default as audio settings would have been adjusted when using the COP accessory.

    Method: Press 1 > Settings/accessory > COP Accessory press # to Untick then keep pressing star until exit programming

    Previous programming method (this will work on all Memcom devices)

    *1234# (access code)

    Use the UP arrow and proceed to number *23 (Volume)

    Type 5 followed by # (this will overwrite number)

    Use the UP Arrow to *26 (H/W opt)

    Type 12 followed by #

    Press # then *01# (exit programming)

  • I have a a Memcom+ connected to an Avire DCP GSM and will now be monitored on the Avire Hub. Do I need to change any settings on the Memcom+?

    No additional change of settings are required on the Memcom.

  • I need to reprogram the Memcom remotely but the unit does not accept the access code (*1234#), how can I reprogram?

    If Memcom does not accept the Access code, then most likely this has been changed using *22253667# will allow you the access the Memcom, advise to reprogram the Access code back to default *1234# (Once in programming type *22 then 1234#).

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